
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Beef Blackpepper Recipe

Beef BlackPepper Sauce

Bahan - bahan : -500 gr daging sapi iris tipis / beef sliced it thin
(Ingredient)       - Garam (secukupnya) / salt
                          - Merica putih (secukupnya)/ white pepper
                          - 50 gr bawang bombay (green onion)
                          - 50 gr paprika merah (red bellpepper)
                          - 50 gr paprika hijau (green bellpepper)
                          - 50 gr daun bawang (chives)
                          - air (water)

Bahan saus             : - 120gr blackpepper sauce
(sauce ingredient)  : - 15 gr black pepper (haluskan) / crush the black pepper

cara membuat :
1. Bumbui daging ayam dengan garam & merica, beri tepung lalu goreng hingga kecoklatan.

2. tumis bawang bombay hingga harum, lalu masukkan daging, aduk rata.

3. Masukkan saus, beri sedikit air tambahkan paprika, dan daun bawang aduk rata. Masak selama kurang lebih 2 menit, angkat dan hidangkan.

HOW to make:

1. Season the beef, mix with flour, then fry it until the color turns brown

2. Sauted the green onion
, then put the beef and stir it

3. finally, put in the sauce, give a little water, add bellpepper, and chives, stir it, for about 2 minutes, and the beef blackpepper is ready :)

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